الموقف النقدي العربي من إفرازات الحداثة الغربية (المناهج النقدية)

  • حمزة بســو جامعة خنشلة
Keywords: Criticism, Western Criticism, Modernism, Modernity


In time of slack and degradation of Arab Criticism, Critics should have been more open to the developments and updates of Western literary criticism which resulted in some literary productions that are very similar, to the smallest of details, to that of Westerners. This was the beginning of openness to the excretion of Western Critical Modernity and a logical response to the shock of Modernism. On the other hand, a new critical stream opposed to modern criticism has emerged, intrusive to Arab criticism and incompatible with the textual and civilizational characteristics of Arabic. Subsequently, an entirely compromising critical stream has emerged aiming at conditioning the Western Critical Approach with the characteristics of Arabic

How to Cite
حمزة بســو. (2020). الموقف النقدي العربي من إفرازات الحداثة الغربية (المناهج النقدية). Afak for Sciences, 2(4). Retrieved from http://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/365