Simultaneos interpreting:towards a better performance

  • Boutabba Samira université Badji Mokhtar-Annaba
Keywords:  cognitive:  compétences:  difficultés:


Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, a very promising job; it gives the opportunity to work in a multilingual and multicultural context. However it is a very stressful job. This paper aims at revealing the difficulties faced by interpreters, that latter might be linguistic, cognitive, or psychological. PNL. Neurolinguistic programming is a very rich and efficient field that could help interpreters to overcome the obstacles, its techniques would give them an assistance have extra competences and acquire aptitudes to make the job easier; as for interpreting or translating in front of a hyper attentive audience. 

How to Cite
Samira , B. (2023). Simultaneos interpreting:towards a better performance. Afak for Sciences, 8(03). Retrieved from