Representation of Reification through the Method of Description in the New Novel (The Guardian of the Shadows by Wassini ALaraj as a Model )

  • nassima Houra University of Djelfa
Keywords:  Reification  Description  New Novel


Reification emerged after the expansion of the capitalist system”s impact on society. Individuals began to live in a society swept by the ideology of exalting material  at the expense of human valure .

The art of the novel depicts what goes through this marginalized and reified  individual’s mind . Therefore ,the style of descriptive language changed  .That is why we monitor this phenomenon in our study through linking the writer’s vision to these linguistic characteristics . In addition we show the text’sartistic vision by following the description and analysis method .

How to Cite
Houra, nassima. (2023). Representation of Reification through the Method of Description in the New Novel (The Guardian of the Shadows by Wassini ALaraj as a Model ). Afak for Sciences, 8(03). Retrieved from