The role of the authorities of the economic regulation in the establishment of a governance

  • بسكري رفيقة جامعة باتنة
Keywords: economic reforms ; economic regulation authorities ; governance


Title of the article: The role of the authorities of the economic regulation in the establishment of a governance

The successive economic reforms adopted by the Algerian state since the 1989 constitution have contributed to reconsidering the economic and financial role of the state and the nature of its relation to the economy, and thus emerged a new concept of the role of the state, which transferred from traditional forms in the management of public affairs to another formula provided by the possibility of creating alternative mechanisms: the regulation  , that led to the emergence of a new organizational form of the powers of regulation  and recognition of the specificity of particular independence and neutrality of the administration and political power. The implementation of these reforms is considered to be a confirmation of the introduction of a method concept, namely the exercise of "good governance powers", or what is defined as "governance."

How to Cite
بسكري رفيقة. (2020). The role of the authorities of the economic regulation in the establishment of a governance. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from