aesthetic and Technical foundations of the image in the advertising poster

  • بن هلال سارة العالية / كحلي عمّارة جامعة مستغانم
Keywords: poster, the foundations and the esthetic relations, persuasion the receiver, meanings and significances


importance of the image in posters by studying the foundations and the esthetic relations that form its different components and also by clarifying its important types, and because the poster is based on tempting and persuasion the receiver by its different messages for specific goals; it is important to create images that carry so many meanings and significances that touch the emotions of the individual and motivate him to do specific and intended action. These significances are related to the different components of the image such as shapes, colors and writings; and when all these components are united and with esthetics, the main purpose of poster is realized which is represented by promotion products, services and ideas

How to Cite
كحلي عمّارةب. ه. س. ا. /. (2020). aesthetic and Technical foundations of the image in the advertising poster. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from