A Comparative Study of Morphology and Physical Characteristics in the Achievement of the Wall-Resistant Skill in the Chivalry Volleyball Game 'Field study on players of Esperance volleyball

  • قسمية نورالدين مداني / سلامي عبد الرحيم جامعة قسنطينة 2
Keywords: Indicators Morphology - physical characteristics - the skill of the wall of the block - the game of volleyball - class cubs.And this is not true, it is God has the credit and what was wrong or forgotten, it is myself and the devil and praise to God, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad Abu al-Qasim and his companions and peace


This is a way to frustrate the opposing team's determination by preventing its attackers from hitting the ball over the net. The importance of the wall of resistance is also evident in that it absorbs the force of the strike and contributes to the points. , It distracts the attention of the opposing team and leads to the lack of focus and confusion, aimed at this study to reveal the difference between the indicators morphology and physical characteristics in the completion of the skill of the wall of the block in the game of football Chabal class.

How to Cite
سلامي عبد الرحيمق. ن. م. /. (2020). A Comparative Study of Morphology and Physical Characteristics in the Achievement of the Wall-Resistant Skill in the Chivalry Volleyball Game ’Field study on players of Esperance volleyball . Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from https://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/108