Exercise and academic achievement in adolescents with diabetes A field study of some averages of the state of Algeria - East

  • طهير ياسمين جامعة الجزائر 3
Keywords: sports practice, diabetes mellitus, middle stage students, scholastic achievement.


of academic achievement in in diabetic adolescents

  The practice of sports and scholastic achievement in diabetic adolescents is the title of a study aimed at showing sports practice in educational institutions in improving scholastic achievement for students with diabetes. The scores of students who practice sports and non-exercise subjects were based on the sample of 57 students (SPSS), which led us to a range of results: There are statistically significant differences between the average individuals (practitioners of physical activity sports) and (non- Practicing of physical activity sports) in the measurement for the benefit of individuals practicing sports physical activity.

How to Cite
طهير ياسمين. (2020). Exercise and academic achievement in adolescents with diabetes A field study of some averages of the state of Algeria - East. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from https://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/110