Marital infidelity and its impact on the stability of the family and society

  • مريم ضبع / محمد أمين صحبي جامعة الجلفة
Keywords: infidelity - stability - family -


There is a big difference between marriage and the reproductive process, marriage is the nucleus of society, the origin of its existence, the natural law that walks the world on its system, and the universal year that makes life valuable and appreciated, and which Rahman has called the Great Charter. All religions are adultery and aggravated by the punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and adultery adultery in a nation only written by God to annihilate the entity, and loss in their families, and disintegration in the ethics,

How to Cite
محمد أمين صحبيم. ض. /. (2020). Marital infidelity and its impact on the stability of the family and society. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from