La destruction des réseaux langagiers vernaculaires dans le roman « Journal d’une femme insomniaque » de Rachid BOUDJEDRA

  • مها نسرين عقون جامعة باتنة 2
Keywords: Diglossia, translation, culture, the destruction of vernacular language networks.


Diglossia, which is the use of an "informal" language with another so-called "formal" language, is a peculiarity of the novelist Rachid Boudjedra's Arabic writings. When it comes to translation, these dialectical expressions are unfortunately disappearing. Although, in the majority of cases, these are not of great importance in understanding the pure Arabic text, this latter seems to give them a distinct status. In translation, however, it is towards the destruction of vernacular language networks that Antoine Moussali (translator of the novel) is turned by facing this kind of phenomenon. We wonder then why those expressions that provide a real plus in the reading of the original work or that being translated, have not benefited of the interest they deserve from the translator, who moreover, is assisted by the author himself, namely, Rachid Boudjedra

How to Cite
مها نسرين عقون. (2020). La destruction des réseaux langagiers vernaculaires dans le roman « Journal d’une femme insomniaque » de Rachid BOUDJEDRA. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from