Television and Building Child Knowledge: Effect dimensions and Limits

  • لمين إيمان جامعة قسنطينة 03
Keywords: Television, Knowledge, Children, Media Education


The research on prevailing perceptions in the Arab countries of child’s relationship with the television has revealed the existence of three trends. Some of them think that television is an important factor for child's knowledge development, and others see the contrary, while the third trend believes that the relationship between children and television viewing confined only to the content’s problematic. This negative look of TV’s inability to build a child's knowledge is due to prevailing perceptions of knowledge in the Arab societies, which consider that correct and true knowledge is only found in books and is only offered by school. In addition to the different point of view of parents and children regarding this set, which is considered by parents as a waste of time, while children consider it as a means of entertainment and learning. In addition to the indifference of Arab schools to media education as an educational project, but if we say that television is a source of information for children to help them achieving a better understanding of environment they live in, this does not mean in contrast that the children are able to achieve this on their own without the need for teachers, family and media framing and guidance.

How to Cite
لمين إيمان. (2020). Television and Building Child Knowledge: Effect dimensions and Limits. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from