Effectiveness of the glossary dictionary in the mind of the Algerian student

  • إيمان عاشور جامعة قسنطينة
Keywords: : glossary glossary, mental, activation, Algerian education, Algerian student.


This research aims at looking at the linguistic outcome of the Algerian student by activating the glossary through the school activity represented by the written expression.

    The research was based on the practical aspect, as the researcher used a sample of the Algerian school samples represented by (30) students of Algerian primary education. And tried to answer a number of the following problems:

-What is the reality of lexicon education in Algeria.

-What is the mental outcome of the Algerian school student?

-What is the mental outcome of the Algerian school pupil.

-Identify the main obstacles resulting from the educational process in activating the glossary of the student.

    The study came out with a series of results that resulted in a set of relevant proposals that activate the lexicological mentality of the Algerian student

How to Cite
إيمان عاشور. (2020). Effectiveness of the glossary dictionary in the mind of the Algerian student. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from https://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/126