Information Technology and its Role in the reneval of Human Resources

  • شمس ضيات خلفلاوي جامعة عنابة
Keywords: Information Technology, human resources, information, Development, reneval


This research aims at highlighting the role of information technology renewing the capacities of human resources. So that we can say that companies today rely a lot on these kinds of technologies to increase its workers tasks and to give high and special services. In another side it creates a dynamic and communicative at here inside the company.

The research reached a number of findings to increase its employer capacities and renew their abilities by introducing different modern  information technologies, and also modernizing the working methods and giving special services to its external people as well as to create a nice atmosphere and a good space of working in the human resources services  by using all that is new concerning the modern communicating means.

How to Cite
شمس ضيات خلفلاوي. (2020). Information Technology and its Role in the reneval of Human Resources. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from