Self-efficacy Theory and its Applications to Education -Reading Self-efficacy as a Model-

  • Zohra ACHOUR Oum El Bouaghi University
Keywords: self-efficacy; reading self-efficacy; self-efficacy sources; education


This study seeks to discuss Albert Bandura’s self-efficacy theory and its applications to education, taking reading self-efficacy as a model. As self-efficacy is the foundation for diverse areas, particularly for academic areas, it has gained more attention in research related to student achievement. Applications of self-efficacy to education have reported the positive influence of self-efficacy beliefs on learners’ language learning achievement. Specifically, they have reported the significant importance of reading self-efficacy in the reading comprehension strategy use, which is the key to academic success. Therefore, it is important for language teachers to help their students develop a strong sense of self-efficacy, particularly reading self-efficacy, using several teaching techniques based on the four sources of self-efficacy (performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and emotional arousal) to enhance their students’ level of reading comprehension

How to Cite
Zohra ACHOUR. (2020). Self-efficacy Theory and its Applications to Education -Reading Self-efficacy as a Model-. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from