فكرة الهويـة في الثقافة المواطناتية

  • رانبي عبد القادر / بن جقليل محمد
Keywords: identity, affiliation, citizenship, sectarianism


This study seeks in its view of the idea of ​​identity, thus,  the identity is a set of features that characterize a human entity from other entities, and against which the human entity knows its essence and assets, of which determines affiliation. It is based in determining to intellectual factor, and touch factors of meeting with affiliated ones to a circle of belonging, from this perspective, this study seeks to show how the identity in societies where common idea of ​​citizenship, and on the contrary, in societies characterized by ethnic diversity and sectarian, for this was the study according to two main focuses: First: Identity culture of citizenship, and the second: identity and multi-cultural affiliations

How to Cite
بن جقليل محمدر. ع. ا. /. (2020). فكرة الهويـة في الثقافة المواطناتية. Afak for Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/563