The teaching-learning of the grammar of FLE in Algeria, case of complex sentences by propositional subordination. Subordinate proposals and their ranking
This research attempted to question the different metalinguistic discourses that can account for the construction modalities of complex sentences by propositional subordination. For this, we presented a reassessment and a confrontation of the various points of view on the question. This critical examination has allowed us to identify a grid of analysis that offers for each of the specimens studied the synthesis of its defining features, but also divergences and ambiguities that surround it.
Along the way, we have seen how most notions of the system suffer from axioms inherited from the grammatical tradition and hide poor vague and fluctuating conceptual content.
This detailed study allowed us to analyze the various teaching aids in order to evaluate the teaching of complex sentences by propositional subordination, and to evaluate the competences of learners from the educational system in question at the level of complex sentences by subordination. propositional.