Le développement de la culture entrepreneuriale en Algérie : Vecteur pour une émergence de l’économie nationale

  • GODIH Djamel torqui / LAZREG Mohammed Université de Mostaganem
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth, Development, University-Business Relations, Human Resources.


integrated into all institutions in Algeria, particularly in training institutions so that the Algerian company can survive, adapt to changes, the environment and competitiveness. The importance of entrepreneurship for the development and growth of a country has pushed the majority of developed countries to integrate initiation and training in entrepreneurship into the education system. We consider that the promotion of entrepreneurship must be at the heart of the initiatives of the State in Algeria. The main objective of our article is: To highlight that the construction of the market economy and the transformation of the capitalist economy in which the Algerian economy is embedded dictate to the public authorities to make prevail the entrepreneurial culture in Algeria, which is all the more important. However, this culture can not be effective if certain parameters are not put in place including an all-round training in the field of entrepreneurship on the one hand. On the other hand, certain fundamental levers must be implemented for the development of the entrepreneurial culture in Algeria.

How to Cite
LAZREG Mohammed , G. D. torqui /. (2020). Le développement de la culture entrepreneuriale en Algérie : Vecteur pour une émergence de l’économie nationale . Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from https://afak-revues.com/index.php/afak/article/view/80