The Strategic Vision for Excellence Management in the Organizational Hierarchy
The first thing that strikes the sociologist is how much the public administration has an internal social life, proper to itself, it has not only its particular culture but it constitutes a kind of mini-social system. It is indeed a small, highly hierarchical society in which the powers are unequally distributed. And many of these organizations are successful, but not necessarily excellent, and the transition from efficiency to excellence is an evolutionary and repetitive process applied with a hierarchical discipline of excellence and an advanced strategy moving from efficiency to effectiveness. Excellence is an evolutionary and repetitive process applied with hierarchical discipline of excellence, and an advanced strategy, where the construction of excellence actually drives the organization to be strategic.
It is on this basis, intervention uses strategic analysis as a theoretical basis for understanding excellence management. and before that, presents some observations successively on the functioning of the public administration or the public bureaucracy, on some problems of the exercise of the political power, finally on the sociologist and the sociology In the general and strategic context of the organization to Understand the impact of social action on the organization and analysis of the act of excellence in the vision of the strategic actor