The role of marketing through social networking sites in achieving the objectives of non-profit organizations- Algerian associations active through Facebook model

  • نهار خالد بن الوليد / لحول فطوم جامعة وهران02
Keywords: marketing, social media marketing, nonprofit organizations, associations


This study is concerned with defining the concept of marketing through social networking sites and its role in achieving the various goals that the non-profit organizations aspire to as organizations that contribute to local development. By proposing a set of hypotheses, we designed a questionnaire to address these hypotheses. Facebook is considered one of the most important global and effective sites across the community. The results showed that marketing through Facebook has a role in achieving some goals such as improving and raising the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries and collecting donations and providing services but at a low rate. Facebook signed in the development of capacity and competitive advantage and the process of searching for needs and information dissemination was medium.

How to Cite
لحول فطومن. خ. ب. ا. /. (2020). The role of marketing through social networking sites in achieving the objectives of non-profit organizations- Algerian associations active through Facebook model. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from