Request for offers in accordance with what is included in the Tunisian and Algerian law

  • زين العابدين لعطار كلية الحقوق سوسة ( تونس)
Keywords:  Request for Proposals:  Public Transactions  Transparency and competition


Concluding a public deal is a legal process that takes place according to the rules of free competition and is characterized by the multiplicity and different methods adopted for selecting the contractor with the public purchaser, and the principle is that the administration is free to choose the method of contracting unless the law imposes on it a specific method. The usual method of concluding public procurement is to request bids, especially after canceling the tender. In this context, the subject of the request for proposals comes down to a general procedure through which the administration subject the contracting process to the greatest degree of competition while preserving its freedom to award the deal.

How to Cite
لعطار ز. ا. (2023). Request for offers in accordance with what is included in the Tunisian and Algerian law. Afak for Sciences, 8(03). Retrieved from