Literary text in secondary school textbooks: the limits of the generic model presented and the absence of a reading approach in FFL

  • Nassima BAGDADI Université Abou el Kacem Saadallah ( Algérie
Keywords:  Lecture littéraire  Compétence générique  Manuel scolaire


The teaching/learning of literary text in Algerian secondary schools obeys objectives that focus, for the most part, on linguistic aspects without taking into consideration all the attributes that such a medium could bring in terms of reading and discovery. The literary dimension is thus dissociated from the medium, and the benefits that it can bring in terms of reading are thus hidden. In this article, we will question the textbooks on the question of the generic model presented, on the teaching/learning approach adopted and on the strategies advocated.

How to Cite
BAGDADI, N. (2023). Literary text in secondary school textbooks: the limits of the generic model presented and the absence of a reading approach in FFL. Afak for Sciences, 8(03). Retrieved from