Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on the financial markets: The Case of Arab Countries

  • تقرارت يزيد / بكاي أحمد جامعة أم البواقي
Keywords: : Efficiency of Financial Markets, IFRS, Arab Countries.


nature of the relationship between the efficiency of the Arab financial markets and IFRS. Approach: the paper uses panel cointegration to investigate this relationship by using the Eviews.7 program.  Findings: The results showed a long run relationship between the efficiency of the Arab financial markets and IFRS. Originality: this paper provides new empirical evidence in developing countries for increase resource allocation efficiency

How to Cite
بكاي أحمدت. ي. /. (2020). Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on the financial markets: The Case of Arab Countries. Afak for Sciences, 4(3). Retrieved from