The role of school sport in reducing school violence among middle school

  • khedidja selami Universty Of Djelfa
  • kerbouche walid University of jijel,
  • tahar messaoudi Universty Of Djelfa
Keywords:  school sports,  violence ,  intermediate education


The purpose of this study is to identify the role of school sports in detecting verbal and physical violence with students of the fourth year, Where the study was conducted on a sample of 25 professors, Professor of physical education study averages activists, The descriptive approach has also been distributed through Esteban composed of twenty (20), have been using spss program 22 to analyze survey results. Finally the results of the study on the validity of the proposed hypotheses where you reach:

-School sports contribute moderately to detect aggressive verbal violence among fourth year students.

-School sports contribute moderately to detect physical violence  in the fourth year students.

How to Cite
selami , khedidja, walid, kerbouche, & messaoudi, tahar. (2023). The role of school sport in reducing school violence among middle school. Afak for Sciences, 8(03). Retrieved from